Saturday, June 7, 2014

Billionaire Couple Donate $10MILLION to Keep Initiatives for Poor Open

Blogger Thoughts-This story shows us that when people are in need there are good people out there to step in and help out in some way. This couple in there own way gave support in a way they knew only they could. We all however can help people in need no matter what our circumstance is. There are always people we can help with our own time and influence.

 A billionaire couple have forked out $10 million of their own cash to pay for care for some of the poorest children in society amid the continuing US Government shutdown.Laura and John Arnold have dipped into their personal fortune of $2.8 billion to reopen seven Head Start programmes in six states.The couple started a charity foundation in 2008, although this money is being made as a personal donation.Their publicist Gary Larson said: 'The Arnolds were both quite moved after learning about the impact the government shutdown would have on so many Head Start children, so they came forward personally, rather than through their foundation, and offered this assistance as their way of helping.

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