Friday, June 6, 2014

Strong Family Takes on Challenges Most Wouldn't Dream Of

There are many people who excel at being challenge. Some challenges are found along the way others are undertaken by us because we see a reason to take that challenge on. This family is a wonderful example of people who take on challenges because there is a reason to have the challenge. These parent are good influences for their children and the other children they are helping because of all the good they fighting to do.

 Kelly Nixon Mayr of Colorado has birthed five children, adopted one troubled teen and fostered several special-needs infants. On Tuesday, she and husband Paul announced, through theirfamily blog, that they had finalized their adoption of Angie, a 2-year-old who was born drug-exposed and clubfooted, whom they had fostered on and off since she was 1.
“I thought, ‘If not us, who?’” she explains, quoting Hillel. “I am already networked into this community. I know people. I’m older, and it’s much less scary.” After learning about institutionalized,disabled children who lay in bed all day, she thought, “I know I can do better than that.” But she also wants others to know that they are well equipped to do it, too—more than they may believe.
“People will often try to find a reason why they couldn't possibly do it,” she says. “They say to me, ‘You must have family nearby, you must have lots of support, you must have lots of money.’” But for people with huge hearts and the wherewithal to locate the multitude of adoption grants that are available, she says, it’s possible for just about anyone.

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